The American DreamA stable job, a nice wife, a house on a good street, two kids and a white picket fence. Ahhh the American dream. The mediocrity and the…Oct 26, 2020Oct 26, 2020
1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32Everything in life happens on a trend. Meaning what goes down, must come up. It happens all around us all the time. Our moods can go down…Oct 12, 2020Oct 12, 2020
BetterWho am I to say that I deserve more than others? Am I someone who has sinned less than any other? Am I someone who carries around less…Oct 10, 2020Oct 10, 2020
UnlimitedNo one seems to know how powerful the human mind is anymore. There is a reason that the human race is the dominant animal on this planet…Oct 9, 2020Oct 9, 2020
A Matter of PerceptionThere is a common misconception with the word of motivation. People think that they need motivation from an outside source. Motivation…Oct 6, 2020Oct 6, 2020
Im Not Mad, JustDissapointment is a very prevolent thing in todays world. People always seem to be disapointed in themselves, disapointed in one another…Oct 5, 2020Oct 5, 2020
MmmmmI think it is so funny how in some peoples predictions of the future, there are so many food substitutes and food itself has been…Oct 2, 2020Oct 2, 2020
CadencesI think the true testament to what is funny is when something can make you laugh when you’re alone. When you’re with someone and something…Sep 30, 2020Sep 30, 2020
Top 5 NMy whole life I have gone through identifying the significance of certain words. How much one would be used in a day or whether or not the…Sep 29, 2020Sep 29, 2020