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Daniel Trawick
4 min readOct 12, 2020

Everything in life happens on a trend. Meaning what goes down, must come up. It happens all around us all the time. Our moods can go down, but they will go up eventually. Seasons change and the temperature drops but eventually goes back up. Stocks can crash but they will rise again in the future.

You can call this eventuality a pattern. Patterns are what make or break peoples futures. People can fall into patterns that are not good for them and fall prey to the rhythm of these patterns. And once you fall into a rhythm it is very hard to fall out of it. It is similar to those days where nothing goes right, and you seem to be on a rhythm for failure. But on the other hand, there are those days that happen that you feel unstoppable and nothing will stand in your way. The only way that those days have changed course is if something rather drastic happens. some major shift in the days dynamic that disorients your pattern.

Life is all about patterns. People have a propensity to fall into these patterns with everything that they do. Some patterns are good, and some patterns are bad. I want to be very clear on that. For example, a bad pattern could be something along the lines of waking up and immediately getting on your phone and spending an hour or two on social media. That pattern doesn’t serve you and it doesn’t serve the rest of your day. But if the pattern persists then it can become a habit. The psychology behind habits is very interesting. In the previous example with waking up and getting on your phone, what do you think would happen to that individual if he were to be in a situation where they weren’t able to check their phone in the morning. The morning pattern would be broken, and the rest of the day would seem off.

Patterns are so important to understand because once you are aware of the patterns in your life you can then understand how much one little thing is drastically changing your life. Let’s use the same example as before. Someone wakes up and immediately checks their phone. This might lead to them feeling unmotivated and unsocial that they would rather stay in for the rest of the day and watch tv or play videogames. I know this situation sounds rather dramatic, but it is what used to happen to me before I understood patterns.

Once I was able to grasp the concept of patterns there was a lot more of my life, I was able to control. Instead of waking up and checking my phone that is lying right by my bed, I wake up to my alarm which is sounding across my room. This forces me to drag myself out of bed and start moving. It makes waking up much easier and it puts me in a good mood. Once I have accomplished that I make myself and glass of water with some lemon juice in it. This gives me about five minutes to give thanks and to meditate about my upcoming day. Then I proceed to work out. This exercises my body and keeps me aware of places I’m sore and what hurts and it makes me feel healthy. Before I am allowed to do anything else, I must work out my mind to keep my mind and body on the same page. I meditate while I take a shower and then spend 30 minutes a day reading books that can challenge my mind. I am not a very strong reader, so I chose to listen to audiobooks as opposed to reading them. I am currently reading, Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. It is an excellent book and I highly suggest you read it. Once I’ve completed all this I am in a productive mood. I don’t even desire to spend time on social media as much because my head is in a good mindset. I don’t desire to sit and watch tv as much because my body is in a healthy place as well.

Patterns are one of life’s greatest tools to know. Once you start controlling little patterns that don’t serve you in life and only take away while leading you to make other decisions that don’t serve you then can you start to build new patterns that lead to success. After changing my life patterns, I feel more alive, I feel more articulate, I feel more confident, I feel more outgoing, fear has become secondary instead of it being the forefront of my decisions. I can only see positive outcomes and it drives me to put 100% into whatever I am doing. So, I urge you to take a good look at what patters serve you in this life and what patterns don’t. Build on the ones that do and start to see a shift that only leads to greatness. You will start to see the negative patterns wither away and take less hold on yourself and help you become the person you know you should be.

Photo by Amanda Jones on Unsplash

