Unlimited Power

Daniel Trawick
4 min readOct 9, 2020

No one seems to know how powerful the human mind is anymore. There is a reason that the human race is the dominant animal on this planet. Our brains were designed to be the most capable out of any other beast. We are the only ones who can achieve metacognition. We are the only ones who can experience empathy. We are the only ones who have a sense of achievement. We are the only ones who can create civilizations. We are the only ones who have an advanced form of communication. We are the only ones who can connect to one another across the globe at a moment notice. We are the only ones like us and it’s all thanks to the human mind.

For some reason people are calling quits on this great thing called life because it is unfair. I know that there are those that are less fortunate than others, but the fact of the matter is suffering happens for a reason. It gives us a chance to grow and develop into a better self than we were before. Many people view suffering as the worst thing that life can throw at them. I must disagree, suffering does suck in the moment but the times that I’ve come through my suffering has been the times where I felt most alive. The pain that I felt to make that feeling possible was entirely worth it.

One of my favorite quotes is by Tony Robbins. he said, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Let’s dissect this for a minute. When I was mentioned suffering before and how this can make people give up on the world, their focus is on how awful their suffering is. Their energy then reciprocated that. If they think to themselves that the world is out to get them, and life is pointless how do you think they will carry themselves? Well if you envisioned someone shrugged over with no trace of a smile and a lack of confidence, we saw the same person. If one focuses on the negative, they will have negative energy.

On the other hand, if one’s focus was to shift on to something more positive such as the simple saying of, “the only way to go from here is up!” Even then when you hear people say that their demeanor changes. Their shoulders are more back, they are talking with a stronger voice and they have a better sense of confidence. They have a positive focus flow and their energy flow reciprocates.

This is why the human mind is such a powerful tool that people must understand and learn to control. Life is hard if you let it be hard. If you say life is hard enough then it’s going to be hard because your focus is “life is hard.” our perception on everything makes or breaks this life for us. When you stay grateful and positive, more positive things happen to you. One thing that I have learned is when I wake up is to verbally say the five things that I’m thankful for. It can be as simple as, “I am thankful for a warm bed to wake up in.” or something as deep as, “I am thankful for another day to be alive in this world.” Doing this on a daily basis has helped my focus be on the more grateful flow. In turn I find more and more things to be grateful about each and every day that I have done this. The only thing that has changed has been my perception. The only thing that has changed is control over my mind.

Your mind is the most powerful tool on the planet. To be in control of it is to have whatever you want out of this world. I really mean that too. If you have complete control over your mind, you can name how much money you make, how happy you are, what you want to do for a living, and whatever else is important to you in this world can be yours. All that has to happen is an unquenchable desire that has to happen with an unyielding faith in the outcome of that thing and your mind will make it happen. Sure, you will have to make sacrifices and do things that may seem uncomfortable now, but that is just your uncontrolled mind telling you that it is. So be fixed on making the most out of this world. Only focus on things that serve you and move you forward in this life. Don’t give any focus to the things that hold you back. It is giving those things power that they do not deserve. Keep your flow of focus on the good and the only thing that your mind will do is give you a good energy that you can use to change the world.

